Tuesday, July 7, 2015

What is Cocoa Butter?

Dear Natural Beauty lovers,
Cocoa butter is such a beautiful body butter that is useful in many ways. So what is Cocoa Butter?

Ruka's Place Whipped Body Butter
Whipped Body Butter

Cocoa Butter is one of the most stable fats known. It is also known as Raw Cacao butter.

Ruka's Place Raw Cocoa Butter
Raw Cocoa Butter

This natural body butter is a vegetable fat extracted from cocoa beans during the process of separating the powder and liquor from the bean. 

Cocoa Butter Benefits
Cocoa Butter Benefits

Raw Cocoa Butter is pure and contains lots of natural properties like natural Antioxidants, that is why it's considered as one of the best beauty products in Natural Skincare.

Ruka's Place Cacao Butter
Cacao Butter

So please don't forget to get yours at http://www.rukasplace.com/raw-cocoa-butter.html 
And get making, your skin will thank you for it.
Take care.

Keep it simple


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