Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Hello Nature Lovers,

It is hard to discuss natural moisturisation without Aloe Vera being mentioned. 

 Ruka's Place Aloe Vera Gel
 Ruka's Place Aloe Vera Gel

One of the main advantage of this natural ingredient is the many ways it can be used without causing irritations.

Let me quickly say that I have heard some people say Aloe Vera Gel didnt work for them and dry their skin out. But they are really in the minority. I hope you will find it moisturizing because I do.
Aloe Vera Is great for Skin and Hair
Aloe Vera Is great for Skin and Hair

So for Skin and hair, Aloe Vera is really great at giving that added moisture that makes skin glow and hair healthy.

I have given 6 Benefits of Aloe Vera down below, please add yours and let's learn from each other.

 Ruka's Place Aloe Vera
 Ruka's Place Aloe Vera 

6 Benefits of Aloe Vera

1. Aloe Vera, is well respected as a moisturizing agent containing Vitamin B, C, folic acid and carotene. 

2. Aloe Vera Gel is unscented, colourless and soluble in water.

3. Aloe Gel provides brilliant moisturization for dry or damaged skin.

4. Aloe Vera Gel heal and ease the pain, discomfort and damage caused by sunburn.

5. Aloe Vera Gel is a natural moisturizer and stimulates production of collagen and elastin, which ultimately helps reduce the sign of ageing.

6. Aloe Vera is also very useful in Hair-Care

Dry Skin is no match for Ruka's Place Aloe Vera
Dry Skin is no match for  Aloe Vera 

Do give Aloe Vera Gel a try, many of your dryness issues will be solved.

Keep it Simple